Whether your kids are babies or teens, trying to balance jogging with their needs (along with all of your other responsibilities) can be difficult. Here are some tips for parents trying to find time to run:

  • Find a gym with a daycare center.
    Today, most major training centers have child care centers that they offer free with your membership. They are usually open during peak hours and are a great way to keep your kids babysitting for an hour while you go to workout.
  • Divide your races.
    Don’t assume you have to run 30 minutes at a time. Take advantage of the small holes to run. If you have 15 minutes to run on the treadmill before you start cooking dinner, go for it. Then, while supper is cooking, sauté for another 15 minutes. As long as you do the segments on the same day, your body will experience the same benefits as if you had a full run.
  • Make running a priority.
    Plan your errands and join your spouse on board for help with some of the childcare responsibilities. You can also get creative by taking advantage of the opportunities to run. For example, if you are going out for an activity for your kids, join the party and have fun with it.
  • Invest in a jogging stroller.
    Even if it makes your riding a little more difficult, running with a jogging stroller is a great workout and most kids love to go for a walk. Once you have a jogging stroller, it will be easier to be motivated to go for a run.

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  • Take full advantage of downtime.
    Most parents spend a lot of time in the car between activities. If you find yourself with a small block of time while transporting the kids or on a commute, use that time for exercise rather than coming home for a very short period of time. It helps to have an extra set of running shoes and clothes in your car, so you can be prepared if you have a bit of unplanned downtime.
  • Have another parent accompany you.
    There are a lot of other moms and dads in the same situation as you. See if you can work on a child care swap with another parent. You take all the kids for an hour while she runs, and then vice versa.
  • Involve your children in your jogging.
    Look for creative ways to involve your kids in your race. If your kids are old enough to ride bikes, go on a bike path, where you can run alongside them like my dad did with my sister and me. If not, maybe they might like to run with you?

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