Discover tips and advice to facilitate your weight loss with the help of jogging.

Tips for running and weight loss

Many people start running because they want to lose weight. Being one of the most demanding sports to do, running is an extremely effective way to burn calories and lose pounds.

7 habits of skinny runners

Running can certainly be a powerful tool in your weight loss or weight maintenance efforts, but don’t expect to lose weight or stay slim just with running.

How to control my portions

You’ve probably heard it a million times: Portion control is the key to losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. It really makes sense: eat smaller portions, and you will consume fewer calories.

More weight loss tips for runners

Running may be one of the most effective ways to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean it’s a magic bullet. In fact, you can gain a few pounds as soon as you start to lose fat and gain muscle mass, which is denser and heavier than fat.

7 ways to activate your metabolism

Wouldn’t it be great if you could burn more calories when you just sat on the sofa? By improving metabolism, you can increase the rate at which your body uses energy.

7 tips to control intense cravings

Despite our best efforts for healthy eating, we all gave in to these intense cravings for certain sweets, high in fat, high in calories. It’s especially tempting to satisfy your cravings after a tough run or workout.

Avoiding Common Weight Loss Mistakes

While on television shows like “Who Loses Wins” may inspire people to lose weight, they are also set up for unrealistic expectations of weight loss.

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Secrets of maintaining weight loss

Weight loss is one of the reasons some people start running, but as many of them are discovering, weight loss doesn’t happen with exercise alone.

How to avoid eating without funds

To get the weight loss benefits of running, it is important to think before you eat and avoid eating bottomless. Here are some ways to avoid bottomless eating and increase your running weight loss.

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