You are probably already familiar with a few ways to prevent heat ailments such as to hydrate correctly, decrease your pace during hot and humid weather, or run the morning or evening .


But here are some other ideas for staying cool while running:


→ Drink something very cold before you start.

A study from New Zealand last year shows that drink a slush to flavor before running on a treadmill, increased the endurance of a run by about 10 minutes. Researchers are not sure why the slush acted like this, but one possible explanation is that the slush lowers body temperature before running, so allow the body more running time before the temperature rises.


→ “Precool yourself”.

During the Athens Olympics in 2004, I remember the shoots where we see Deena Kastor wearing an ice jacket to lower her body temperature, to win the bronze medal for her marathon. Studies show that wear an ice jacket before running can actually dilute the heat. Obviously, you probably don’t have your ice jacket, but you can still cool down in a cold room. Air conditioning just before going for a run.


→ Cool your neck.

As any runner who has poured water on their neck during a hot run can tell you, keeping your neck cold helps you feel cooler. Try a chilling trick from the Badwater Ultramarathon competitors. Extend a headband flat and spread ice cube from corner to corner, then roll it and tie it to your neck.

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