Over the past few weeks we have been asking our visitors and customers the question, why they have started running.


Without surprises, 37% answered that it was for their health in general. The other choices were for a weightloss (26%), to improve their appearance (20%), for the pleasure (13%) and for a other reason (4%).


It is true that jogging exudes a lot of a person’s personality

Since it is a solitary sport, unlike team sports like hockey, football and the like, running is far from being a show-off activity, unless you are only running on a treadmill in the middle. gym. Most runners are not careless people, according to the survey, and are more likely to be people who want to take care of their health.


The majority of people don’t take care of themselves.

In those who do, they don’t take care of their health, but rather their appearance. It is true that by running regularly, our appearance will inevitably change according to the effort we put into it, but there are not really any comparisons with our well-being.


We all agree that whatever the reason for running, the important thing is to go!

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