Starting a new jogging habit as a beginner can be quite overwhelming for a beginner. If you are feeling a little nervous or even intimidated by the idea of starting to run, don’t panic, this is very normal as it is something new and unknown. Instead of starting habits blindly, it is very important to know more about running. Here are the basics about jogging and how to help get you started towards your goals and dreams.


To start

Before taking your first steps, here are some essential basics to get to know yourself better.



Frequently Asked Questions for Beginner Runners

It is very normal to have several questions when you start to run and start new running habits. Here are some questions and answers for new runners.



Training programs for beginner runners

When you start to run, it pays to follow a training program. Here are some training programs designed for beginners.


Learn to run?

5 km for beginners?

10 km for beginners?

Half marathon and beginner marathon?



Basics for running with a treadmill

Several new runners are starting to run with a conveyor belt . There are several benefits of running on a treadmill, such as not having to worry about the temperature or the time of day. Here are some basics about running on a treadmill.



Nutrition and hydration for beginner runners

A runner’s diet is not only important for maintaining good health, it is also for optimizing performance at the top. Whether you are training for weight loss, for a run, or for fitness, you need to have advice about what you eat and drink.



Stretching after a little warm-up and after our runs can help prevent injury. Here are some basics about stretching.



Stay motivated

Maintaining our motivation is difficult for any runner, especially for beginners. Discover some tips and advice to keep you inspired to keep running



Beginner runner faqs


More tips for beginner runners

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