Whether you have a strain, a headache, or a pain in your foot, find out what is causing the discomfort and how to fix it to relieve and prevent it.

Frequent running injuries

Despite your best injury prevention efforts, you may find yourself facing some injuries and pain. Most running injuries take a few weeks to develop and then a few more weeks to heal.

Common runner’s foot problem

Runners put their feet through a lot of events so it’s no surprise that we end up with foot related issues. Here are some of the most common runner’s foot questions.

How to eliminate and avoid a cramp?

A cramp is a sharp, intense pain felt under the rib cage, more often on the left side. They are common in novice runners who tend to breathe faster and deeper.

Is it normal to feel pain when running?

As you increase your distance and intensity, it’s normal to experience some discomfort, such as sore muscles. Sometimes you will feel the pain when you start your run, but it will be better when you warm up and keep running.

Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is an injury that occurs when the Achilles tendon, the large band of tissue that connects the muscles in the back of your leg and the heel bone, becomes inflamed or irritated.

Ankle sprain

Ankle sprains are often the result of a twist or strain of the ankle. You will notice pain and swelling above the ankle.

Black nails

Black nails are quite common among runners, especially those in training for long distance races. First, the nail appears blackened and usually falls off when a new nail grows.


You’ve probably seen foot blisters before: tiny skin bubbles filled with a clear liquid that can appear anywhere on your foot.


The most common symptom of rubbing is a painful tingling or burning sensation. The area is usually red and raw.

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Runner’s Band

The runner’s sling is marked with a severe burn to the knee or pain in the hip. Iliotibial band syndrome (IBI) is a very common injury in runners.

Tearing of a muscle

You will feel a sudden, burning pain and tightness in the muscle and may not be able to support your weight on the affected limb or have it articulate the normal range of motion.

Runner’s knee

A common complaint among long distance runners is the runner’s knee, which feels like pain around and sometimes behind the kneecap. It is usually made worse when running or climbing stairs.

Plantar Fasciitis

Most often, heel pain is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the hard band of tissue that supports the bottom of your foot and connects the heel bone to the toes.

Tibial periostitis

Shin splints are very common in runners who start because they can overdo it and too quickly. With anterior shin splints, you feel pain on the outside along your leg.

Stress fractures

Stress fractures are small cracks in the surface of a bone, and most often occur in the lower leg or foot. You will notice progressive muscle pain, stiffness, and point pain on the affected bone.

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that develops in moist, sweaty places, such as between the toes. Symptoms include itching, stinging and burning between the toes, itching.


Bunions are an enlargement of the big toe joint. With too much pressure, this joint can swell, causing the bone to come out on the side of the foot.


Corns are hard, painful bumps on the skin. They usually grow on the top and sides of your toes.


Numbness or a tingling sensation (unrelated to cold) in the toes is a common complaint among runners.

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