Raise your hand if you’ve ever said any of the following before biting into a high-calorie, fatty dessert:

“I ran this morning, I can eat this”

“I would burn it tomorrow”

“I deserve this with all the training I do”

Somebody ? Or is it just me? I am definitely guilty of making these three quotes once in a while. Being a runner, it’s easy for us to ignore calories and portions because we think, “I’ll burn it tomorrow.” But the reality is that we often don’t burn as many calories as we think, and it is very common for many runners to find that they are gaining weight, despite their best efforts to lose it.

To help yourself experience the weight loss benefits of running, it’s important to think twice before you eat. Here are some ways to avoid bottomless eating and increase your weight loss from running:

Don’t eat family style . If the large bowls and plates are in front of you, it’s much easier to help yourself over and over again. Leave your dishes in the kitchen or be them before eating to avoid using them two or three times.

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Don’t eat when you are distracted. Try not to eat while driving, watching TV, working at the computer, or whatever. If you eat when you are distracted you will not be paying attention to how much you are eating so you will tend to eat more than you are hungry for. If you’re too tempted to eat in front of the TV, try something else like doing sit-ups or other exercises.

Write it down . It’s extremely easy to not realize how many calories you are consuming in a day, but keeping track of what you eat and drink will make you alert to whatever is in your mouth. Some runners like to count their diet and training in a training log .


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