Running can undoubtedly test your mental strength as much as it demands on your physical strength. Here are tips on how to stay motivated to run and strategies to mentally prepare yourself for your runs and training.

Marathon stories

Jogging quotes

Runners proverbs

When to call a runner

► How to increase your self-confidence?

Whether you are training for your tenth marathon or your first 5k, you are going to have times when you are going to doubt yourself. It often happens after a bad race, or during a difficult time in your life.

► Why did you start running?

Over the past few weeks we have been asking our visitors and customers the question, why they have started running. Without surprises, 37% answered that it was for their health in general.

► Motivation tip: help a beginner

If you have some experience with running now and are comfortable sharing your knowledge, you might want to help a new runner of your choice. Offer your advice for free to a friend or family member who is new to racing.

► Motivation tip: run on Monday

When I plan my weekly workouts, I always try to make sure I have a run or weight training on Monday. Why Monday? Starting the week with a race sets the tone and example for the rest of the week.

► What should I do if I miss a day of training?

It’s easy to get discouraged if you’re busy or sick and miss a day, or days, of a training program. Don’t beat yourself up for missing a race.

► Find your New Year’s resolutions

Do you remember what you wanted to accomplish this year? If you’ve already given up on your resolutions, don’t worry, you are in good company.

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► How to choose your shopping goals

Setting running goals is a great way to stay motivated to run, and the start of a new year is a great time to think about what you want to accomplish. Here are some tips for setting achievable goals

► Stay motivated to run during the holidays

A hectic vacation schedule can really kill your motivation to keep up with your running habit. But exercise can help keep stress at bay and prevent weight gain. Here are a few ways you can make sure you keep running while on vacation.

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